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In the field of Mechanical Engineering, Chamunda Engineering Works operates its Unit at Ris, Rasayani. The place is more popularly known as Patalganga. The company was started by Mr. Ravjibhai M Dodiya in 1980. Another company was then established by the same group in 1991 under the banner of Vijay Engineering. This was further followed by yet another company in 1996 under the banner of Uttam Steel incorporating modern technology and instrumentation .The history of company starts longs back since 1980. Since the company was established it has been one of the top ratings in the list of Reliance Industrial Group. Till date the company is has maximum of its business with Reliance Industries.

We also have a workshop in Mumbai at Borivali.

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Now we have also New ATTRACTION Job Works for Water-JET Cutting Machine & Roll Forming Machine Products. With the Advance Technology we have started Water-JET Cuttings Job Works For Mettle, Ceramic, Galss, etc.

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We are also doing Job Works For powder coated roofing sheets.

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